Noble Sumthin' Else ("Noble")
May 21, 1978 - April 30, 1998
Noble Sumthin' Else (known as "Noble"), a level 3 certified 19 year old thoroughbred appaloosa gelding, died unexpectedly on April 30, 1998.
Partnered with Sheila Crouthamel in the Equine Unit, Noble had been Sheila's first horse and was raised and trained by her. Her farm (Sumthin' Else Farm) had also been named after Noble. Noble had completed extensive search and rescue training and certification. His sudden death was devastating for Sheila, who not only lost one of her best friends, but one of her search partners. Noble will be deeply missed not only by Sheila Crouthamel, but by all of his "teammates" as well.
November 1996 to March 25, 1998
Fritz, a level 1 certified one year old German Shepherd, died on March 25, 1998, after being struck by an automobile. Partnered with Tom Mower in the Canine Unit, Fritz had been in intensive training for the last nine months before reaching level 1. Fritz had recently completed the intensive training and had been to educational and public relations details in recent months. His sudden death was devastating for Tom, who not only lost one of his best friends, but his search partner as well. Fritz will be deeply missed not only by Tom Mower, but by all of his "teammates" as well.
Cody's Lucky Jack ("Lucky")
April 14, 1992 - February 14, 1998
Cody's Lucky Jack (known as "Lucky"), a level 3 certified five year old quarter horse, died on February 14, 1998 after being struck by an automobile. Partnered with Captain Caroline Zollers in the Equine Unit, Lucky had been raised and trained since birth by her. Lucky had recently completed extensive training and had been to search and rescue missions and educational/public relations details in recent months. His sudden death was devastating for Captain Zollers, who not only lost one of her best friends, but her search partner. Lucky
will be deeply missed not only by Captain Zollers, but by all of his teammates.